The most wonderful time of the year
Christmas lights in London
Each Hickap calendar features a unique story from a different place, wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. This year, Christmas comes to life in London, and we join Wilma Holmqvist on a magical shopping day through the Christmas capital of the world.
Hickap doesn't cheat
All products are full-size
This year's calendar is something special. We've filled it with best-selling favorites and new surprises that lucky owners will be the first to experience. Just like last year, all products are full-size. No cheating!
Andra har även köpt
100% veganska och innehåller de viktigaste ingredienserna för att huden ska må bra.
Se All hudvård
Smink & Borstar
Ett exklusivt och noga utvalt sortiment av veganskt smink & sminkborstar.